ما هي ريادية الأعمال؟
ما هي ريادية الأعمال الخيرية؟ وكيف اقوم بها؟
كيف ابدأ مشروع له صدى اجتماعي؟
كيف ستؤثر في مجتمعنا؟
Are you creative and have many ideas that you want to implement?
Do you have an idea that can make a 180 Degrees change in Egypt's development?
Do you want to learn how to make a Social Enterprise?
Do you want to learn how launch your start-up and deliver a social impact?
Then you are in the right place right now...
Join our 3-day conference SEED, where you will learn how to be an effective Social Entrepreneur with our great guest speakers.
What's entrepreneurship?
How can I be a Social Entrepreneur?
How can I launch a start-up of my own with a social impact?
How will it affect our society?
It's a Simple application process and It is totally FREE ;
an online application which will take you 15 - 20 minutes to join.
Just follow this link
We'll announce the place soon, once we finish our approvals.
We are honored to welcome a variety of respectful Guest speakers who would share their experience with the audience through the whole conference, and they will be announced soon, stay Tuned.
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