Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports a carefully chosen selection of programs which is of particular interest to junior executives from developing countries.
These degree courses, which consist of one to two years of concentrated study, provide academically-trained young professionals in leading positions from developing countries with the opportunity to engage in postgraduate education and training in their particular field or profession.
These degree courses, which consist of one to two years of concentrated study, provide academically-trained young professionals in leading positions from developing countries with the opportunity to engage in postgraduate education and training in their particular field or profession.
The available courses for the academic year 2011 – 2012 can be found under the following link:
Information sheet:
Requirements & Prerequisits
Requirements & Prerequisits
For further inquires please contact Ms. Heba Amin
1. The deadline for submitting the application forms is 31st of July 2010 at DAAD Cairo Office
2. The application forms can be submitted at DAAD Office daily during the counseling hours from 10:00 till 12:00.
3. The application forms are available at DAAD Office.
4. Incomplete applications can not be considered.

1. The deadline for submitting the application forms is 31st of July 2010 at DAAD Cairo Office
2. The application forms can be submitted at DAAD Office daily during the counseling hours from 10:00 till 12:00.
3. The application forms are available at DAAD Office.
4. Incomplete applications can not be considered.
Scholarships for Egyptians (to Germany)
The German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD) offers various scholarships for Undergraduates, Postgraduates and Postdocs. The suitable scholarship for you depends on your country of origin, your current status and your specialization. If you use the link to the DAAD Homepage Bonn, Germany, you will find a scholarship database where you can search for a suitable program by using your personal criteria. You can also find an overview of all existing scholarships and programs. The database is available in German and in English language. To use the database, please
The German Egyptian Scientific Projects GESP is a new fund that supports the exchange of scientific visits between Egyptian and German research teams.
This program is co-financed by the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research in Egypt (MHESR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Germany.
For Egyptian Scientists
The call for application and the application forms are available online as of June 2010 on the Science & Technology Development Fund website . -
In order to apply for the program GESP you have to register yourself on this site. -
For further inquires please contact Ms. Heba Afifi heba.afifi @
For German Scientists -
The call for application and the application forms are available on the DAAD website under the following link -
For further inquires please contact Mrs. Anke Bahrani
Applications can be submitted between 01/06/2010 and 30/09/2010
Further information can be found in the information sheet
For further inquires please contact Ms. Heba Afifi heba.afifi @
N.B. Content of this announcement can be changed without prior notice
The German Egyptian Research Short term Scholarship GERSS is a program jointly funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHESR) and the German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn (DAAD) in order to finance short term scholarships for young Egyptian scientists to travel to Germany. The target groups of the program are researchers enrolled in MSc, PhD programs and young Post Doctoral candidates. The scholarships may be awarded for a period from three to six months. There are two calls for application annually: Autumn Call: Electronic application forms can be filled out as of 1st of September till 15th of October Spring Call: Electronic application forms can be filled out as of 15th of March till 30th of April.
Further information can be found in the information sheet The online application form is available on the website GERSS . In order to apply for the scholarship GERSS, you have to register yourself on the GERSS website.
For inquires, please contact Ms. Heba Afifi: heba.afifi @ Phone +20 2 2735 27 26 ext 119
N.B. Content of this announcement can be changed without prior notice
Egyptian-German Research Long Term Scholarship (GERLS)
The Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MHESR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), are pleased to announce the 2nd call for the German-Egyptian Long Term Scholarship Program (GERLS) for the academic year 2010/2011.
GERLS Program is provided to candidates who desire to obtaining or completing their PHD in one of the German Universities under the supervision of German Professors.
In this regard, we will highly appreciate your support by disseminating the information sheets attached to the GERLS target segments and all candidates who are interested to study and research in Germany.
For more information and for applying, kindly visit the following website:
Kindly note that the next possible application period will start approximately in July 2010.
You can find detailed information about this scholarship in the corresponding infosheets: GERLS Infosheet, GERLS Channel Infosheet , GERLS infosheet for Medical Fields
Useful documents for applicants:
For further inquires please contact:
Ms. Heba Ahmed
Joint German Egyptian Research Fund between the MHESR and the BMBF German - Egyptian Research Fund (GERF)
Joint announcement
by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Arab Republic of Egypt (MHESR) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for regulations governing the funding of joint innovative projects in the field of applied research through the ‘Egyptian-German Research Fund’ ("Deutsch-Ägyptischer Forschungsfonds”) as a follow-up to the ‘German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology 2007’
1. Objectives and legal basis
On the occasion of the closing event of the ‘German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology 2007’ in Berlin on 6 December, the Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Hany Helal and the German Federal Minister of Education and Research Annette Schavan signed an agreement on the establishment of an Egyptian-German research fund for the support of joint application-oriented projects, to which each side will contribute €300,000 (equivalent to around 2.500.000 Egyptian Pound) per year. The grants are intended to give researchers – including young scientists - an opportunity to address new areas of scientific research and to promote bilateral research cooperation...
You can download the whole announcement here.
The Sawiris Foundation for Social Development and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offer up to 6 fulltime scholarships for studies in Germany
What we offer:
Open to all study courses -
Possible to study either at a University, Fachhochschule, Kunst – or Musikakademie -
Scholarships are granted for up to five years. The grant will be maintained throughout the years of study as long as the student's performance remains up to the standard -
Every scholar receives 650 Euro monthly as well as health insurance -
Each scholar is granted an allowance to cover the travel costs
Be amongst the best 10 per cent of your Abi year -
Be an Egyptian national (German-Egyptian nationals cannot apply) -
Be interested in other cultures and be socially committed -
Be a current graduate from one of the German Schools in Egypt (DEO, DSB Alexandria, DSB Cairo)
The call of the Sawiris Foundation and the DAAD for the Academic Year 2010/2011 will be announced in january 2010. 
DLR-DAAD-Fellowship Program
We have the pleasure of announcing updated offers for our scholarship program intended for highly-qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists working in the field of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research: "DLR-DAAD-Fellowship Programme"
This program offers scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of the DLR in Germany. DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in these fields is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures.
DLR-DAAD Fellowships are defined and awarded on an individual basis . Each Fellowship announcement will indicate the specific qualification requirements and terms of the visit. The new offers are published under:
For more information about the offered courses description, selection, funding and application, kindly visit our website:
For more details interested candidates can refer to Mrs. Bianca Nosek or Mrs. Mona Ayoub
Objective Practical training placements for students of the above mentioned subjects are arranged by the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). Within the DAAD, unit 225 is the German National IAESTE Committee.
Duration Usually, traineeships are two to three months in duration with various firms, institutions of higher education and research institutes. In individual cases, traineeships of extended duration can be arranged.
Value Trainees are usually paid € 650 per month; the DAAD, however, is not able to grant additional funds to cover travel costs. You can find further information regarding this topic here. 
Re-invitation Program for Former Scholarship Holders (1 – 3 months)
The Re-invitation Program helps the DAAD maintain contacts with its former scholarship holders (DAAD Alumni) who had studied in Germany for at least on year. DAAD Alumni can apply fo a reinvitation to Germany with the purpose of completing a research or work project at a state higher education institution or non-university research institute.
For additional questions, please contact Mrs. Noha Shahien: You can find further information regarding this topic here.
Integrated Water Resources Management for Arab and German Young Professionals
M.Sc. - University of Jordan, in cooperation with University of Applied Science Cologne
For more information, please download flyer:
For additional questions, please contact: Mrs. Deborah Dombret
Bilateral Exchange of Academics
The exchange program is primarily intended to support the implementation of mutual teaching and research projects
German applicants please refer to: Mrs. Deborah Dombret
Egyptian applicants please refer to: Ms. Heba Ahmed
Due to the fact of the deadline applications of Re-invitation program and Bilateral Exchange of Academics program is on a weekend, we accept the application forms on the first of November 2009 from 10:00 am until 12:00 p.m
Study Visits / Study Seminars
The German Academic Exchange Service funds Study Visits / Study Seminars and Practicals in Germany by groups of foreign students (10 – 15 students) headed by a university teacher.
For additional questions, please contact: Mrs. Mona Ayoub
Download: study visit info sheet
in المنح الدراسية ,